
Friday, 4 July 2014

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Fudge

For the day that's in it - Fourth of July, Independence Day, I felt it only right to go with an American theme for today's blog post. I picked up a jar of the delicious, gooey decadence that is 'Marshmallow Fluff' in Aldi lately and was thinking of ways I could incorporate it into an authentic American style dessert. Peanut butter always comes to mind for me in the context of a real honest to goodness American treat. And so, to combine the two...Fudge! Now, as you may know, or have guessed, chocolate is one of my first loves, so I couldn't neglect it either. Here goes, I hope you enjoy. And please be advised, don't even think about calorie counting. This is plain and simply, sweet and indulgent comfort food!
*Watch out for the tip (soft ball test).

The ingredients


  • 500 g light brown sugar
  • 55 g butter
  • 150 ml evaporated milk
  • 1 jar of 'Marshmallow Fluff' - you could substitute this with a packet of marshmallows of course
  • A good pinch of salt
  • 200 g peanut butter (I used the crunchy variety)
  • 200 g dark chocolate, melted
  • A handful of roasted and salted peanuts, finely chopped (optional)

  1. Grease a 9 inch/23 cm tin.
  2. Combine the first five ingredients in a saucepan on a low heat, until they are fully melted in together.

    Combining the sugary goodness!
  3. Gradually raise the heat to medium and allow to cook further on a gentle rolling boil for 4 - 7 minutes, stirring slowly and continuously. (*N.B. - After 4 minutes, test by dripping a small bit of the mixture into an iced bowl of water and leaving to cool for 10 seconds. If it can be rolled into a ball in your hand and tastes chewy when eaten, it is ready. If not, continue on a rolling boil for a little longer).
  4. Remove the mixture from the heat and add the peanut butter and dark chocolate and swirl through. There is no need for it to be mixed through perfectly and in fact, the marbling effect looks great.
  5. If using, top your slab of fudge with a good even drizzle of the chopped peanuts, giving a lovely salty edge to the fudge.
    Fudge made and ready to be cooled...Have patience!
  6. Leave to cool and once cooled, cut into square chunks and tuck in! If (it's a big IF) the fudge isn't devoured straight away, these delicious chunks of sweetness will last well in a sealed container. If you're feeling generous, they make really cute gifts too.

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