
Sunday, 30 March 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I found this anonymous quotation online recently. It is so filled with truth, for all sons and daughters I believe...
'Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.'

I have always believed there is such a strong link between nourishment and love. In many ways, what greater love than the love of the one who brings you into this world! So, on Mother's Day, let's celebrate.

Although I lost my own mother quite a long time ago I have compiled a list of my top five favourite 'Mammy treats'. I am certain that we all have our own list and would love to hear you share yours too!

So, here we go, 5 to 1...

5. Kids' party 'top hat biscuits', which were a fabulously simple treat, homemade and perfect for child inclusive cooking. I once made them as a treat for a Senior Infant class I was subbing in and the children loved them!
4. Sunday night tea of cheese, onion and rasher toasties. I really must try this out and blog it.
3. The good old Sunday lunch of roast chicken, complete with stuffing, various veggies and deliciously crisp roast potatoes.
2. Lasagne, one of the ultimate in comfort foods, and you can find my family version here.
1. Baked goods - scones, meringues, tarts, biscuits and buns...mmm! Especially for family occasions. I am a week-old owner of a brand shiny new, but still retro Classic Kenwood Chef, so I plan to try and begin replicating some of my mother's sweet treats. She had her Kenwood Chef since she was married and it was the most reliable piece of kitchen ware and was made use of on countless occasions.

I will leave you with a poignant but lovely Mother's Day blessing I found. I am off to try out some homemade meringues in my Kenwood Chef for a dessert of Eton Mess. Happy Mother's Day to all the endlessly kind and generous mammies, mams, mums, moms and mammas out there and a big thanks and hugs for your everlasting love x.

~Image sourced at